About Us

Our Mission

By this website, we will provide quality content for Gamers at all levels. The content will help gamers to improve their existing skills and also learn new skills.

What do we do?

We provide content that will help gamers play their game better and more enjoyable. We will also provide information about upcoming video games, reviews as well as stories about their developers. Additionally, we will be reviewing gaming hardware.


About Author

Hello, I'm Tabish, also knows as Tabby. Playing video games is something I like and have been doing for as long as I can remember. RPG, Sports, Hack and Slash, Strategy games are some of the genres that interest me. Many times I find myself skipping sleep and playing Skyrim, Witcher 3 or Minecraft. I decided to write about the games I play. In my blogs, I will be covering Guides to Games, News and Reviews about them, so you dont have to spend time searching.