How to find Coal in Minecraft the Smart Way

How to find Coal in Minecraft the Smart Way

Written By Tabish

Coal is an essential resource be it an early game or late game. It generally spawns in layers/levels 1 to 128. Also, it can be easily spotted in large openings in mountains exposed to air. However, this is a large area to cover. Coal is an ore, especially early game to craft torches There are specific layers and techniques you can use to get a large amount of coal quickly in Minecraft. If you want to learn them, keep reading!

Coal is a crucial resource in Minecraft that plays an important role in various aspects of the game. One of the most significant uses of coal is to make torches, which are essential for lighting up dark areas and preventing hostile mobs from spawning. Coal is also used as a fuel source to smelt ores, cook food and also make charcoal which is an alternative fuel source. Hence one must know, where to find coal, how much to expect and how to get coal in large quantities quickly.

How to Find Coal in Minecraft?

1) Underground
Mining is the most typical method of locating coal resources in Minecraft. Underground, Coal in Minecraft can be found, typically in veins that span several blocks. Mining below sea level is the best method for locating coal resources. There is coal ore between layers 1 and 128. The likelihood of discovering coal ore increases as you dig deeper.

2) Exploring Ravines, Caves and Abandoned mineshafts
Ravines, Caves and Abandoned mineshafts are great places to look for Coal in Minecraft. You will need proper armour, weapons and torches to explore them as they contain hostile mods. However, the benefits outweigh the dangers since rare ores such as diamonds and Emeralds can be found.

3) Trading with Villagers
Trading with villages is another way to acquire coal ore but it is not recommended. If you find yourself near a village, make a list of all the professions that exist there. Finding a miner is difficult because they are scarce. You can exchange coal ore for emeralds once you find a miner. Since emeralds are rare ores, I would avoid trading them for coal ore unless it is extremely important.

4) Fishing
Coal in Minecraft can also be obtained successfully through fishing. One of the things that can be captured using a fishing rod is coal. You'll need to make a fishing pole out of wood and twine to go fishing in Minecraft. the next step is to cast your line into a body of water.

5) Trading with Piglins
Players can trade with piglins in the Nether dimension to get Coal in Minecraft. Piglins are hostile monsters that spawn in the Nether and are present in places like Nether bastions, forts, and crimson forests. You must wear a piece of gold armour, such as a helmet or boots before they spot you. Otherwise, they will attack you. To make a trade go up to a piglin and drop something they enjoy, like gold ingots or nuggets. The piglin might supply coal ore in exchange. This is again a dangerous location and the chance of getting coal ore in return or gold which is a rare ore is slim. I wouldn't recommend this method for coal ore.

6) Noteworthy Coal ore Locations:
Coal in Minecraft can be found easily on the faces of mountains in mountain biomes, caverns, underground, dungeons, igloos, strongholds, and woodland mansion chests, as well as abandoned mineshaft chest minecarts.

What are the coal ore generation levels in Minecraft?

It is rare to find Coal in Minecraft on the surface, however, they do appear in single blocks or large deposits occasionally. Coal ore spawns at levels between 1 to 127 and the highest concentration can be found between levels 5 to 52, with a spawn rate of above 20%. It should be noted that the highest level in the game is 128 and coal ore doesn't spawns above it.

Like any other game, Minecraft divides itself into chunks. Chunks allow the game to load, save, and generate in an optimized manner. Minecraft uses chunks, the size of 16×16 blocks, from Bedrock to the sky. On average, coal only appears up to 207 times per chunk in blobs size of 0 to 37.

How to get Coal ore quickly in Minecraft (Smart Way)?

Mining everything in layers/levels 127 to 1 is not a good strategy as it is time-consuming, exhausting and not fun. Moreover, you will end up with tons of unwanted resources and have no place to store them. Would it not be fun if you could get a good quantity of Iron, Lapis Lazuli, Gold, Redstone, Emerald, Diamond, Concrete and Cobblestone while mining for Coal?

The best way to find Coal ore quickly in Minecraft is by first digging straight to layer 11 and making a small home/storage room or a Base to keep necessary items like chests, smelter, enchantment table, food etc. Once done, you can start branch mining at layer 11. This layer and layers below have a good concentration of resources, including Coal. Just make sure that layer 12 will be your ceiling.

How to mine coal in Minecraft?

Mining Coal in Minecraft requires any type of pickaxe. In other words, the tool required to mine coal ore is a pickaxe. Hands or non-tool items will not work, and you would end up destroying the ore. You will gain nothing by using the wrong tool. By enchanting your pickaxe with Fortune, you will get more Coal from a single node. For maximum results, enchant the pickaxe with Fortune 3. The higher the axe tier the faster and more efficient your mining will be.

Using a beacon will increase mining efficiency. A beacon emits a powerful beam of light into the sky, which can be seen from far away, and provides a variety of helpful effects to players within its range. For coal mining, the Haste effect is particularly useful, as it increases mining speed, allowing players to quickly mine through coal veins. The Haste effect can be obtained by placing iron, gold, emerald, or diamond blocks in the pyramid underneath the beacon. Overall, using a beacon for coal mining can significantly increase efficiency and speed, making it an excellent tool for players looking to gather large amounts of coal quickly.

How to Branch Mine?

Dig your way underground to the desired level. Try to avoid digging straight down as you might fall into lava or a pit. Bedrock is the bottom-most layer in Minecraft and is unbreakable. Ores are most commonly located only a few blocks above this layer, so dig until your character’s y-coordinate is 11 or so. (Press F3 to see this value.)

Now you can start digging small tunnels that your character can fit. The tunnel can be as small as one block wide and two blocks tall. Use torches to light the area, or else your tunnel will attract unwanted guests. In other words, if you do not place torches in the tunnel, enemies will spawn.

The next step is to build more tunnels by splitting from the main route. Build more tunnels that branch off from the first one. This way you can look for ores over a large area. You can get the most out of this method by digging tunnels two blocks apart from each other. By doing so, you can now inspect a large surface area and not miss anything.

Tip: If you are uncomfortable with the show coordinates, you could use sea level to calculate how deep you should dig. One could use the sea level to know the current layer. The sea level in Minecraft is 62. Therefore one must locate a sea, and then dig down 51 blocks (62 – 51 is 11). You should be at layer 11 if you follow the steps.


What is the best depth/height/layer/level/place/coordinates to find/get coal in Minecraft?

In Minecraft, coal can be found at any depth/height/layer/level/place/coordinates in the Overworld, as long as it's in a block that generates stone, dirt, or gravel. However, coal is most commonly found in veins that generate between levels 1 to 128, with the highest concentration of coal being found between levels 5 and 52.

What is the easiest way to find/get coal in Minecraft?

The easiest way to find/get coal in Minecraft is to explore caves and mineshafts, as coal can be found in large quantities in these areas. Alternatively, coal can also be found on the surface, often near mountains and other elevated terrain.

How do you make coal in Minecraft?

You cannot make coal. However, you can use coal to make charcoal out of the abundantly available wood. A single coal can make 8 charcoal out of 8 logs.

How to get a lot of coal in Minecraft?

You can get a lot of coal in Minecraft by mining coal ore blocks found underground, trading with villagers, killing wither skeletons, or smelting wood into charcoal in a furnace.

How to farm coal in Minecraft?

Coal cannot be farmed in Minecraft-like crops. However, you can mine for coal in caves, ravines, and underground. Another way to obtain coal is by trading with villagers who are willing to exchange emeralds for coal. Finally, you can also obtain coal by smelting wood or logs in a furnace to create charcoal.

How to craft coal in Minecraft?

You cannot craft coal in Minecraft, it can only be obtained by mining coal ore or by smelting wood or logs into charcoal.

What is the best biome to find coal in Minecraft?

Coal can be found in most biomes in Minecraft, but it is most commonly found in the "stone" layers underground, regardless of the biome.

What is the largest coal vein in Minecraft?

There is no specific or fixed size for coal veins in Minecraft, as they are generated randomly within the game world.

What is the spawn level for coal in Minecraft?

The spawn level for coal in Minecraft is between Y-levels 5 and 54.

About Author

Hello, I'm Tabish, also knows as Tabby. Playing video games is something I like and have been doing for as long as I can remember. RPG, Sports, Hack and Slash, Strategy games are some of the genres that interest me. Many times I find myself skipping sleep and playing Skyrim, Witcher 3 or Minecraft. I decided to write about the games I play. In my blogs, I will be covering Guides to Games, News and Reviews about them, so you dont have to spend time searching.

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