How to find the End Portal in Minecraft

How to find the End Portal in Minecraft

Written By Tabish

To find the End Portal in Minecraft is a little tricky. All you need is an Eye of Ender that acts as a compass and will lead you. Toss the Eye of Ender in the air, and it will guide you. To learn in detail, continue reading.

What is End Portal in Minecraft?

End Portal is a pre-existing structure in the overworld of Minecraft. The Underground Stronghold is the only place where you will find the End Portal. When you enter the Underground Stronghold, you will discover it has multiple rooms. The room with a Lava Pit is the Portal Room, and the device hanging over it is the End Portal.

End Portal is the only way to reach the Ender Dragon, the final boss of Minecraft. Killing the Ender Dragon is ending the game. However, you can continue playing the game after killing it. If you are wondering whether you can kill it again or it doesn't respawn? The answer is yes. You can kill it as many times as you like. All you need to do is reconstruct its health crystals, and it will magically reappear.

How to find the End Portal in Minecraft?

Finding the Location:

Finding the End Portal is pretty straightforward. You need to craft an Eye of Ender and use it as a campus to guide your way to the End Portal. Toss the Eye of Ender in the air, and you will notice it will redirect itself. Collect it and toss it again while following its general direction.

Since Minecraft doesn't have a static world, one cannot say how much time will it take you to find the End Portal. It could be within seconds or hours. Keep tossing the Eye of Ender and follow its general direction. There are two situations you need to keep an eye on.

  1. The Eye of Ender just dropped when you tossed it: This means you are standing very close to the End Portal. Collect and throw the Eye of Ender again from the exact location you picked it up. The moment it lands at the same spot, congrats. You found the End Portal Location.
  2. You were following the Eye of Ender, and it was leading me straight. Now, suddenly it's taking me sideways or backwords: This means the End Portal Location is near, and you went a little further or sideways than expected. Continue tossing the Eye of Ender till you come across situation 1.

Location Discovered:

Once you have found the End Portal Location, dig straight down and keep tossing the Eye of Ender. There are four scenarios you need to keep an eye on.

  1. While digging, you find yourself in a room: This means you have found the Underground Stronghold. Light torches, kill mobs, destroy spawners and find the portal room.
  2. While digging, I hear enemy noises underground: This means that you are close. Dig towards the noises till you come across scenario 1.
  3. While tossing the Eye of Ender, it goes sideways: This means you must dig sideways in the direction Eye of Ender is leading you till you come across scenario 1.
  4. While tossing the Eye of Ender, it doesn't go sideways: This means two possibilities 1) You have dug deeper, 2) You need to continue digging. Try to satisfy scenario 2, which will lead you to scenario 1.

How to Craft The Eye Of Ender?

To craft a single Eye of Ender you need, one ender pearl and 1 blaze powder. You can get ender pearl from killing Enderman. However, you need to craft Blaze powder by using Blaze Ride. Blaze Rode can be looted by killing Blazes in the Nether Region. Specifically in the Nether Fortress.

How to activate The End Portal?

To activate the End Portal, you will need to carry at least 12 Eye of Ender. However, the portal doesn't require 12 Eye of Ender but, you never know the developers might change the requirements. You will find the portal hanging directly above a lava pit. If you observe, you will see devices that have Eye of Ender placed in them. A few of them will be empty. Active the portal by placing a single Eye of Ender in each of them. A black sky will cover the lava pit. Now, when you jump in the black sky, you will land on a square block in End-World.

What do I need to know before I decide to find the End Portal?

It is wise to know what you are up against before you go marching straight into danger. The Underground Stronghold is the only place where you will find the End Portal. It is teeming with enemies like skeleton warrior, creeper, zombie and most dangerous The fishes. The Silverfish Enemy is a fish that can travel on land. A lot of Silverfish will attack you because of the Silverfish spawner. To stop them, you must break their spawner.

About Author

Hello, I'm Tabish, also knows as Tabby. Playing video games is something I like and have been doing for as long as I can remember. RPG, Sports, Hack and Slash, Strategy games are some of the genres that interest me. Many times I find myself skipping sleep and playing Skyrim, Witcher 3 or Minecraft. I decided to write about the games I play. In my blogs, I will be covering Guides to Games, News and Reviews about them, so you dont have to spend time searching.

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