What is Nylium in Minecraft and how to find it?

What is Nylium in Minecraft and how to find it?

Written By Tabish

Nylium is a type of fungus block that spawns in the Nether biome, which is the most dangerous place in Minecraft. The Warped Forest and Crimson Forest biomes in the Nether are the only places it can be found. It's also possible to grow Nylium. Would you like to make a Nylium farm, mine or learn more about Nylium?; continue reading.

What is Nylium in Minecraft?

Nylium is a fungus that grows only in the Nether region. Nylium has two variants: Warped Nylium and Crimson Nylium. Warped Nylium appears in The Warped Forest biome and has a blueish colour, whereas Crimson Nylium appears in The Crimson Forest biome and has a reddish colour.

One often confuses Nylium with Mycelium, but they are different. I have used Nylium fungi as a food source and also decorate my buildings.

How to get Nylium in Minecraft?

Oh boy, are you ready for an adventure? Here are the epic steps to get your hands on some Nylium in Minecraft:

Step 1) Make a Nether Portal:
The first thing you need is a Nether Portal to enter the Nether region. Just gather some obsidian blocks and flint and steel, and you're good to go. But don't forget to place your portal in a safe room, so no nasty mobs can come through. And when you reach the other side of the portal, make sure to build a protective room around it. Trust me, you don't want to end up like me with mobs everywhere!

Step 2) Find Nylium in the Nether region:
Now, this is where things get exciting! But be warned, if you're a new player, make sure to gear up with some good quality armour, food, and a bucket of water. You'll need it when you head into the Nether region to find Nylium. It can only be found in the Warped Forest or Crimson Forest biomes, which stand out with their vibrant blueish and reddish colours. The best part; is they have trees, so you won't have to wander aimlessly.

Step 3) Harvest the Nylium:
You've made it this far, now it's time to harvest that Nylium! But hold on, don't just grab any old tool. You'll need one with the 'Silk Touch Enchantment' to harvest it properly. Trust me, I learned it the hard way. If you don't use the right tool, you'll end up with Nether Sprouts instead of Nylium blocks. We don't want that, do we? So make sure to use a Silk Touch Enchantment tool to get your hands on those precious Nylium blocks!

How to grow Nylium in Minecraft?

Step 1: Find a safe spot where you won't be bothered by those pesky mobs. Trust me, you don't want to be ambushed while growing your precious Nylium!

Step 2: Grab at least one Nylium block and some bonemeal (or Nether sprouts if you don't have any). Don't worry if you don't have any bonemeal, those Nether sprouts will do the trick!

Step 3: Place the Nylium block in your chosen location, away from any hostile mobs. Safety first!

Step 4: Use your bonemeal (or Nether sprouts) to speed up the process of spreading. If you want to increase the chances of Nylium spreading, throw in some Nether sprouts.

Step 5: Now, be patient, as Nylium grows slowly. Keep checking back periodically to see if it has spread. Remember, good things come to those who wait!

Step 6: Once your Nylium has spread to your desired area, it's time to harvest it! Just make sure you use a tool with the Silk Touch enchantment to ensure that you obtain a Nylium block and not the unwanted Nether sprouts. And voila, you have successfully grown your very own Nylium farm in the Nether region!

What is The Warped Forest biome in Minecraft?

Warped Forest is one of the multiple biomes found in Minecraft. It only exists in the Nether region. You will see greenish-blue landscapes and tree-like objects within The Warped Forest biome. It is also the only biome in the Nether region where Enderman spawns. In the Warped Forest biome, you will see tree-like objects made out of Warped Stem for the trunk, and Warped Wart Blocks as the leaves. One can also find Shroomlights growing within its leaves. Since the Warped Forest is in the Nether dimension, there is no weather.

What is The Crimson Forest biome in Minecraft?

Crimson Forest is one of the multiple biomes found in Minecraft. It only exists in the Nether region. You will see red skies, red landscapes, and red tree-like objects within The Crimson Forest biome. Mobs such as Piglins and Hoglins are only in Crimson Forest. In the Crimson Forest biome, you will find tree-like structures made out of Crimson Stem for the trunk, and Nether Wart Blocks as the leaves. One can also find Shroomlights growing within its leaves. Since the Crimson Forest is in the Nether dimension, there is no weather.

What is The Nether region in Minecraft and how to get there?

The Nether is a dangerous hell-like dimension filled with fire, lava, fungus-based vegetation, and many hostile mobs. To access the Nether, the player must construct a nether portal in the Overworld (portals created in The End do not activate). To build the portal, the player must first build a rectangular obsidian frame, ranging in size from a minimum of 4×5 to a maximum of 23×23.

Once the frame construction is complete, the portal needs to be activated. Activating the portal requires one to light a fire within the frame, using flint and steel, fire charge, dispensers or any material capable of igniting a fire.

Frequently asked questions about Nylium in Minecraft

Can Nylium spread in Minecraft?

Yes, Nylium can spread in Minecraft, but only under certain conditions. If you place Nylium near a Netherrack block, it can spread to the Netherrack and convert it to Nylium. However, Nylium will not spread to other types of blocks nor can you spread it in the Overworld.

Can Warped Nylium spread the Overworld?

No, Warped Nylium cannot spread in the Overworld. You can only find it in the Nether region and spread it in the Nether region.

Can you make Nylium in Minecraft?

Nylium is not a block that can be crafted/made. It only spawns in the Nether region. However, Nylium is a fungus that can spread. You can use a single block and help it spread to another block. Follow the instructions mentioned above in the "How to grow Nylium in Minecraft" section.

How to make Crimson Nylium in Minecraft?

You cannot make Crimson Nylium in Minecraft. It only spawns naturally in the Crimson Forest biome in the Nether.

How to make Warped Nylium in Minecraft?

You cannot make Warped Nylium in Minecraft. It only spawns naturally in the Warped Forest biome in the Nether.

How to get Nylium without Silk Touch?

The only way to get Nylium in Minecraft is with a Silk Touch tool. Without it, mining the block will drop Netherrack instead.

Some additional information related to terms used in this article

Nylium: It is a type of fungus block that appears in the Nether biome. It has two variants: Warped Nylium and Crimson Nylium.

Mycelium: It is a type of block found in the Overworld biome of Minecraft, which resembles Nylium, but they are different.

Nether: It is a hell-like dimension filled with fire, lava, and hostile mobs. Players need to construct a Nether Portal using obsidian blocks and flint and steel to access this dimension.

Nether Portal: It is a structure built using obsidian blocks and flint and steel that transports players to the Nether.

Warped Forest: It is one of the biomes found in the Nether region of Minecraft, where Warped Nylium spawns. It has a blueish colour and features tree-like objects made out of Warped Stem as the trunk and Warped Wart Blocks as the leaves.

Crimson Forest: It is one of the biomes found in the Nether region of Minecraft, where Crimson Nylium spawns. It has a reddish colour and features tree-like objects made out of Crimson Stem for the trunk and Nether Wart Blocks as the leaves.

Silk Touch Enchantment: It is an enchantment that can be added to tools in Minecraft that allows players to obtain blocks directly rather than their usual drops. It is required to harvest Nylium blocks properly.

Bonemeal: It is an item that can be used to accelerate the growth of plants in Minecraft, including Nylium.

Nether Sprouts: It is a plant that players can obtain by breaking Nylium without using a tool enchanted with Silk Touch. It can be used to grow Nylium in Minecraft.

Shroomlights: It is a light-emitting block that can be found in the Warped and Crimson Forest biomes of Minecraft.

Enderman: It is a hostile mob that can be found in various biomes of Minecraft, including the Warped Forest biome.

Piglins: It is a neutral mob that can be found in the Nether region of Minecraft, specifically in the Crimson Forest biome.

Hoglins: It is a hostile mob that can be found in the Nether region of Minecraft, specifically in the Crimson Forest biome.

About Author

Hello, I'm Tabish, also knows as Tabby. Playing video games is something I like and have been doing for as long as I can remember. RPG, Sports, Hack and Slash, Strategy games are some of the genres that interest me. Many times I find myself skipping sleep and playing Skyrim, Witcher 3 or Minecraft. I decided to write about the games I play. In my blogs, I will be covering Guides to Games, News and Reviews about them, so you dont have to spend time searching.

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